Showing posts with label prehistoric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prehistoric. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021


So I basically took chapter from a longer story and turned it into a CAS inspired bit of  "flash fiction".

Check it out after the jump.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Embrace of Masa-Mangtow


What follows is a fragment of an account of a sea voyage by Hippias of Syracuse. It currently exists only as a Latin translation of an older Greek source. 


Aranthur, one of the various sea-warlords who have run roughshod across the world of late, had carved himself a small kingdom among the lands to the west. These included a chain of islands that lay beyond and south of Gades. Unable to explore these islands himself, he procured the services of the famed explorer and cartographer, Erastus of Argos. Erastus in turn called upon me, Hippias of Syracuse, to undertake the voyage with him. Holding Erastus in high esteem as a mentor, and hungering to venture once more to unknown regions, I accepted his invitation.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sigyn of Kindle

Get your e-book here.

I've rewritten Sigyn out of the Hyborian  Age and into a quasi-historical bronze age. Reaching the pinnacle of vanity, I've self published with Kindle. At least it's cheap.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Track of the God-Ape

It is, I‘m told, natural for one to grow nostalgic as one ages. Like many others I look back with wistful fondness upon my youth and childhood. But I have also found myself immersed in reminiscences that are not connected with any events of my lifetime. Visions I would dismiss as daydreams or phantasms were it not for their vividness and the absolute conviction I have that I lived these events as surely as I attended grade school and enjoyed my first kiss. One such vision that forced itself upon me is a memory from when I was Diyang-Buru of the Stork Folk.